On Air

I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a while but never tried it before.
This is all new to me. Not only the blog thing, but writing in general.

I spend a lot of time thinking things through. But I’m not used to taking notes. Then all those ideas, which seemed so clear at the moment, start to fade. At the end, I forget most of it.

I want to change that. I want this to be a place where I can write down those thoughts. To understand them better. To clear my mind of clutter. And hopefully gain some insight.

I decided to start a blog for everyone to see instead of, say, keeping a diary. I’m even trying to reach a wider audience by using English1.
My hope is that by having someone at the other end, I will force myself to keep writing. Yeah, like some sort of cheap motivational hack.

It could go the other way. Releasing to the public is scary. And it’s already hard enough to put my thoughts into words in my own language. All this friction may end up working against me.

Time will tell whether this works out or not.

For now, I’m happy to make the first step.

  1. As you can probably tell, not my first language.